Over the past few years, many residential areas across Metropolitan Perth have been rezoned. Your block could qualify for subdivision however you might not be aware due to the complicated and often confusing WA Planning system or even because of incorrect advice from Local Councils. Yes that’s right and we can testify. Don’t believe everything you’re told over the phone by your local council or even by another subdivision/surveying company! They could be wrong.

Remember the back yard you’ve hardly used since the kids moved out…well it could be worth $200,000, $300,000, maybe even $400,000 and possibly much more. Do you own a corner block with an old dilapidated house and the tenants keep wanting repairs? You could demolish and subdivide into 2 or 3 lots maybe even 4 lots and make a significant 6 figure profit even after demolition, subdivision fees and tax.

At Subdivision Solutions WA, we ensure your subdivision can and will be approved and will manage the entire project from start to finish. With 11 years’ experience in the WA planning and development sector, we are experts in Land Subdivision with affiliated engineers, designers , electricians, plumbers and demolition contractors who are all highly respected in their fields. We ensure your project runs as smoothly as possible with minimal disruption to you and to any tenants, occupants and neighbouring properties.

At Subdivision Solutions WA, we can also help you upfront. We offer comprehensive feasibility reports as well as simple cost estimates and free no obligation written quotations. We will tell you honestly if we think your block can be subdivided based on our knowledge, experience and contacts in the Industry.

Have a question? Interested in knowing more? Don’t hesitate to call us now. Details on the contacts page.

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